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Backflow Preventer

Backflow Preventer is very important. Backflow is a reverse flow of water from your house pipe to the main water supply pipe. As opposed to the conventional flow of water from the main supply pipe to your house pipe. This house pipe could be your drinking water pipe, irrigation pipe, tank pipe, etc. Why does the water flow backward? It flows backward due to Siphonage when the pressure becomes low in the main water supply pipe. As well when the water of the house pipe, connected to a water tank immersed in a water tank flows back and mixes with the water of the main supply pipe.

Everest Plumbing Oct 29, 2017
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Other reasons for backflow may be bursting of the pipe or installation of several hydrants on the same pipeline for any purposes, including an irrigation system. Here the irrigation system means a sprinkler which waters a garden or a green roof. When no water flows from the main supply pipe to the sprinkler, pressure loss causes backflow of water logging around the sprinkler. This may cause contamination of drinking water supply with pesticides and fertilizers used in the garden.

In other words, backflow caused due to higher downward pressure compared to the upward pressure results in chemical contamination of drinking water, and hence ruins health. It is especially important for people with gardens to install backflow preventers for their own health concerns. It is equally important in any water-based business such as car wash, dry cleaners, swimming pools, dental offices, and restaurants for the maintenance of public health and safety. All in all, none should take backflow lightly.

Backflow Preventer Installation

When it comes to the installation of the backflow preventer in your homes or in your businesses, or when it comes to any backflow issues, we Everest Plumbing and Drain do it in right with our highly professional service. To our credit, city inspectors have passed our backflow preventers without any issues. Mixed water, as said above, is not good for health, so Everest Plumbing and Drain wants you to have a good health by installing backflow preventer at a reasonable price.

Backflow Preventer Installation and Testing {Everest Plumbing and Drain } have licensed plumbers who have been working in their field for many years, as well as it has different types of backflow preventers, such as double check backflow preventer, atmospheric vacuum breaker, anti-siphon valve, and the latest ones. After an extensive research, Everest Plumbing and Drain install the right kind of backflow preventer for you. Since it has the latest kits which it uses to test the backflow annually.

If your backflow preventer fails an annual test, then you must either replace or repair it; otherwise, the water department will disconnect you from the water grid. After checking your backflow preventer, Everest Drain and Plumbing will send the paperwork to the Water District, so that you can receive a continuous supply of water without paying a fine. The testing of backflow preventer normally consists of testing of cocks and valves.

Everest Plumbing is committed to providing the best customer experience to its clients. Furthermore, we also provide seasonal offers.  Our new customers while discounts are always in place for the old ones.  And in addition, you can reach us at 416-383-7378.

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