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Basement floods and how to prevent them?

Basement floods are unfortunately common in many parts of Canada. Currently, a potentially serious problem is Basement floods. Many negative impacts from basement flooding add to the inconvenience and disruption of household habits.

Water enters the basement as a result of certain events. This often occurs during periods of heavy rain, or during rapid snowmelt in the spring. In these cases, water infiltration occurs due to:

A crack in the basement walls and Poor drainage quality of the perimeter drainage system failure location of overflowing gutter foundations or clogged downspouts.

The basement can also be flooded due to an obstructed connection between the house and the main sewer of the street from a sewer backup, the failure of a sump pump used to pump water from the foundation drainage system.

Everest Plumbing Jun 24, 2019
basement flooding
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Some common causes of basement flooding:

  1. Major or Minor Plumbing leaks
  2. Leaky basement windows
  3. Leaky basement foundation

After a flooded basement disaster, you must take the following immediate action

A big cleaning is needed and here are some tips on the procedures to take:

  • Some garbage can go to the landfill. Check the rules with your municipality or regional eco-center.
  • Discard anything that has been in contact with the water damage and that can not be disinfected, such as mattresses, rugs, upholstered furniture, soft toys, pillows, books, and stationery, etc. Do not take any chances with your health.
  • Wash anything that has been in contact with the basement flood with hot water and a liquid detergent. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
  • Disinfect the walls and floor with bleach, one cup of bleach per 5 gallons of water.
  • Discard plasterboard wall materials and insulating materials such as mineral wool.
  • Remove the Water and dry the area
Everest Drain & plumbing – Greater Toronto Area Plumbing Specialists - Plumbing service in Canada


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Need the help of an expert?

Everest Drain and Plumbing are at your service to offer basement flooding prevention, to avoid further damage to the kitchen, toilet, sewer, and drain. If left unresolved, damage to the basement of your building can cost a lot. That’s why you should call Everest Drain and Plumbing as soon as possible to prevent the basement in Toronto.

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