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Home » Blocked Drain Line » Rusted Ductile Iron Pipe makes Drain Clogged
Ductile iron pipe is a type of Ductile Cast Iron Pipe that is widely used for the transmission and distribution of potable water pipes. Similarly, the ductile iron used to make the water pipe is distinguished by the particles or nodular nature of the graphite contained within the iron. Also, If the house where you are living was built between the 50s-90s and still has its original sewer system, a part of that system is probably iron pipe. Also, older pipes installed were usually made of metals like lead, copper, and cast iron that experience varying degrees of corrosion.
However, unless your home is at least 60 or 70 years old, it’s likely your cast-iron sewer pipe is in functional condition. Besides, eventually, cast iron pipes exposed to wastewater will become rusty and weak. Moreover, the rust can sometimes build up inside the pipe, blocking water from passing and causing many problems for homes. Similarly, there are various methods to repair severely rusted cast iron pipes and make them work like new again.
Moreover, The interior lining of a cast-iron pipe corrodes from the inside, leaving a rough accumulation of rust. This narrows the interior and obstructs drainage flow consequently. Similarly, The interior of an older pipe is narrower and rougher. This makes the line more prone to clogs and poor drainage as well.
Furthermore, at Everest Drain &Plumbing, our highly trained plumbers provide cast iron pipe restoration in GTA equally. Also, we have years of experience and will go above and beyond to ensure that all your problems are solved efficiently and effectively. Likewise, If you want to know immediate tips to blocked for drain, here is the link.
Cast iron or ductile iron pipe is a mixed metal made of iron, carbon, and silicone. It was a popular material for pipes and was used for plumbing pipes for the bulk of the 19th and 20th centuries until PVC came on the market.
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When two pipes of different metals are used, over a certain time an electrochemical reaction in between them appears and leads to corrode, blocked, clogged, and damaged.
If you live in a home with cast iron sewer pipes, it’s recommended to have them inspected regularly. Everest Drain & Plumbing offers several solutions for problems with cast iron sewer pipes that are both effective and long-lasting. Contact us today at (416) 383-7378.