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Home » Plumbing DIY Tips » Toronto Homeowners guide for preparing for the oncoming Winter 2025
1. Turn off the shutoff valves while the weather is warm that supply the outdoor faucets and allow any excess water to drip out.
-The shutoff valves are usually in the basement; otherwise, call a Toronto Plumbing Technician if you need some assistance to locate or repair/install a new one.
2. For the Indoor plumbing inside the home, ensure to consistently maintain temperatures above 18 degrees Celsius for the health of homeowners and the plumbing system.
-Maintaining Temperatures of 18 degrees is usually due to health conditions as respiratory problems can occur at lower temps, but plumbing fixtures should do fine to temps low as 4-5 degrees Celsius.
3. To optimize the use of the water heater, check the working condition of the device, verify if there are any channels or windows that may expose the device to cool air, and lastly, verify if any extra insulation may be needed to reduce heat loss.
-If you need assistance verifying the working order and proper environment for the water heater, call a Plumbing Technician. If we find a defect, you can quickly replace it before the frosty winter onslaught.
-Occasionally, use a fan or activate a fan on your thermostat to circulate warm air around the house so unheated areas can receive warmth, thus preventing freezing pipes.
4. Lastly, check the perimeter of the house, mainly where the exterior basement walls are located. Check for cracks and fractures on walls, areas around window wells, clogged drain pipes, drain pipes, and the working order of the sump pump.
-Excess rain and the constant downward force of gravity on the water can cause water to seep and leak into residents’ basement cracks, potentially causing flooding.
-Another significant concern is the seal around basement windows, which may leak ample moisture. The basement window wells must also have good drainage, as standing water only contributes to moisture leaking.
-Clogged drains are also a massive nuisance as they can lead to backflow and eventually overflow, which may lead to devastating floods inside basements.
-Lastly, verify the working order of the sump pump. This critical device helps pump out excess water from the house’s perimeter so that excess water buildup can be pumped out.
-If you do need any assistance with any of the previous issues, immediately call your local plumber in Toronto so that the problems can be resolved before the winter onslaught
For those of us who are recent residents of Toronto, most of the core of winter in Toronto including January to March, temperatures are consistently well below 0 degrees Celsius, and reach extremes of -25 to -30 degrees. Toronto experiences many wind chills, blistering blizzards, and an abundance of snowfall from a couple of inches to hip height. This year is no different so it’s best to be ready for the cold and harsh winter.
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In conclusion, prepping your Toronto home/property is one step you can make to reduce inconveniences, and costly errors that may occur without preparation come winter season. Prepping is not 100%, but it does reduce issues significantly and ensures a higher chance of a stress-free, safe, and warm season for you, your home plumbing, and your heating infrastructure. If you ever need any assistance with simple or even complex plumbing/drain issues like water heater installation, faucet installation, toilet installation, or frozen pipe, and god forbid pipe bursts, never hesitate to call us Everest Drain & Plumbing as we provide value services with upfront pricing, licensed plumber, and rapid response throughout the GTA from Hamilton, Mississauga, Richmond Hill, to Newmarket, and Toronto, and Oshawa.