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At the home, we use many dishes from drinking, eating and so on. You have two options for observing No Dirty Dishes Day: You can eat out every meal or you can serve breakfast, lunch, and dinner on paper plates with disposable cups and utensils. To keep the holiday green, choose the biodegradable product. Many housewives face the problem with washing dishes. Now the problems will be cleared with the solution that we will be giving to you.

Everest Plumbing May 01, 2017
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1. Soak dishes as quickly as possible:

There is nothing worse than material refuses to come unstuck from pans, plates, and forks. Even if you don’t plan to wash the dishes immediately, get things soaking so food comes off easily once you start scrubbing. Use extra hot water to help break up grease and stuck on food faster.

2. Clean the sink first:

If your sink is dirty you cannot expect dishes to come clean. Clean it first with a dish soap and a washcloth. Scrub away grease and grime, and then rinse the sink to make way for your dishes.

3. Use two brushes:

There’s hardly a germier surface in your home than a kitchen sponge. To prevent using the same one to pre-scrub dirty dishes and wipe off clean ones, keep two sponges by the sink. You can also wash scrub brushes by occasionally tossing them into the dishwasher. Buy two different colored sponges or brushes so you don’t mix up which is for dirty dishes and which is for clean dishes.

4. Wear rubber gloves to wash dishes:

Wearing rubber gloves keeps you from touching dirty surfaces directly, protects your hands from hot water and prevents irritation from the dish soap. So always put on gloves while washing.

5. Fill the basin with hot water:

After washing the dishes, Fill the basin with hot water so that oil, grease, and fats would go away easily into the sink.

6. Clean up after yourself:

After you have done with your washing dishes you can clean all the sink and put the dishes on their place. Now, this is time to clean yourself with the soap.

If you follow the above points of washing dishes you can have clean dishes at home which will be more hygienic and safe to use again.

Call to Professional Toronto plumber for any kinds of problems related to drain and plumbing at 416-383-7378.

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