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Blocked Drain Tips

The blocked drainage has been an issue. Won’t it be a helpless feelingwhen the kitchen sink won’t drain or the toilet won’t flush down?This can be due to a rusted drain pipe.

Similarly, With water backing up and a kitchen full of dirty disheswaiting to be cleaned, it may be frustrating to all the homeowners and business owners. Of all the reasons to call on a plumber, this, a drain is one of the most common plumbing problems of blocked drainage.

Also, As a homeowner, you should try to handle any plumbing issues and give utmost care. The drain shouldn’t be stuffing with anything or doing any unusual activity that may cause your drain clogged. Otherwise, their repair costs can quickly add up if you are not careful.


Everest Plumbing Nov 27, 2020
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What is blocked drain? And its type.

Wastewater from every part of the house including toilet, sink, shower, kitchen, washing machine and other water based systems are collected into the main drain, which then takes it to either a private septic system or a public sewage treatment facility. Out of nowhere the drainage system in your house can be blocked anytime from anywhere, be it inside or outside. 

From foreign objects that have accidentally been dropped down the drain to a heavy build-up of hair, grease, other junk, and bad slopes  there are many reasons why your household can be experiencing blocked drains. Understanding exactly how each problem is created can be an opportunity to better protect against it. 

Here are the types of clogged drain that may occur in many other areas of your house and what you need to do to let it not get clogged.

1. Kitchen sink clogged

The buildup grease, food particles and waste from washing up and dishwater feeds can combine to block kitchen sinks.
To protect your kitchen sink from getting clogged, grease from cooking, chemicals from cleaning and leftover food should not be deposited down the drain. These substances do not dissolve in water and will form against the side of the pipe or damage the plumbing fittings. Ensure that such wastage is deposited in a waste bag that is tied up and placed into the waste bin.

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2. Shower clogged

Another common problem is a clogged or slow draining shower drain. The shower drainage systems can get blocked by accumulation of soap, hair and general grime.
All bathroom, kitchen and laundry appliances come with a strainer so that the water can pass through while retaining any foreign matter that should be deposited in the bin.Make sure that you clean the strainer daily to avoid nasty bacteria forming and a terrible odour.

Shower Clogged
                 Standing Shower Clogged Issues

3. Mop sink clogged

The dirt, grime, and garbage poured into the sink constantly can cause mop sink clogged.
So, get a durable filter to filter out large debris and trash that often gets poured into the mop basin. It is twice as effective when you add the fine debris filter which keeps dirt and fine food particles out of your drains.

Moop Sink Blocked and Replace
                  Mop Sink Removed and Replaced

4. Toilet clogged

Mostly the number one drain blockage problem that we see is in a toilet. The causes can be varied, but can include foreign objects falling into the drain like brushes, paper towel, diapers, etc or cracking or collapsing sewer lines.
When using the toilet, avoid using paper towels and ensure that toilet paper and wipes you use are flushable and degradable.

Signs of a blocked drain

Blocked drains can be a source of property damage and health problems for you, your family and beings around your house. The early warning signs of blocked drain are:

  • Foul smell
  • Overflowing
  • Slow draining
  • Gurgling sounds     

    Calcified Grease blocked drain
                        Calcified Grease in Drain Line

How to clean drain at home DIY?

The best time to investigate any problems is just when you suspect you might be having the problem, because procrastination does not pay when it comes to plumbing. If there is slow drainage, bad smell, gurgling or some of the other signs present in a system, it’s much better to pay for a cleaning of the pipes than to pay for cleanup after toilet overflow or complete failure of the drain main.

Following are some of the home remedies to choose from and you may find that you need to try them all out before calling on a plumber.

  • Boiling water
    Boiling water is useful for tackling blocked drains caused by grease, soap scum and some other kinds of toiletries. These substances have a low melting point, and the extreme heat of boiled water helps to break them up. Boil a gallon of water and pour it down the drain to shift the blockage.
  • Plungers
    Plungers can help to dislodge the blockage as they work by forming a seal around the plug hole, followed by a vacuum effect that removes the blockage.
  • Drain snake
    Take a drain snake or any thin metal wire, such as a clothes hanger. Leave a hook at the end of the snake and insert it into the sink or plughole . Try to remove the blockages made of hair and other buildup materials.
  • Natural cleaners
    Using some natural cleaners is the effective way to break the drain blockages apart. Take a hot water and pour it down the drain and follow it with the mix of one cup of baking soda and a cup of vinegar. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes, then clean it by pouring more hot water. By doing so, it can break blockages up. This mixture is also good for occasional pipe cleaning.
  • Drano liquid
    Drano liquid is a chemical which is a reliable and affordable solution for clogged drains. It is easily available in the market. Use this liquid with hot water at night after house hold activities. It works in as little as 15 minutes but can safely be left in the drain overnight for stubborn clogs. The drain cleaner effectively works on a clogged sink or drain in both the kitchen and the bathroom. The best thing about this liquid is it won’t cause septic tank problems nor harm the pipes and using it once a week can prevent the grease built up.

If you have tried all the DIY remedies and the clog remains stubborn, it may be time to call a professional drain cleaner and get Video Camera inspection and High pressure wash. The use of  Inspections cameras that feed down into your drainage systems will clearly pinpoint the exact location of the blockage as well as the likely cause. 
We here at Everest Drain & Plumbing provide drain cleaning services to homeowners and business owners in Toronto.

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