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Now Make Septic Tank Drain Field by Yourselves!!!!!

You can avoid the cost of hiring a septic designer and excavator if you do it yourselves. The excavator makes decisions every day that most homeowners never make once in a lifetime you that these jobs value. Be aware that like buying property this aspect of homesteading, if not handled with cold reason and great care, could ruin Thanksgiving dinner and many restful nights’ sleep. How to make septic tank by yourselves?  It’s all here.

Why not do it by yourselves? Doing anything own self can be heroic or crazy depending on the outcome. You can save your money by doing it by yourselves. We, experienced and professional Toronto Plumbers are giving you the tips So that you can make septic tank by yourselves without hiring Toronto Plumber.

Everest Plumbing Mar 06, 2017
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Create a Septic tank drain field

### Equipment’s that you will need:

  1. Shovel
  2. Gravel
  3. Clamps
  4. Perforated pipes
  5. Thin gardening-type cloth

If you have a septic tank on your property, you will need a septic tank drain field to complete the system and make it functional. While all septic tank drain fields require regular inspection, you can save a lot of money by digging one yourself.

#STEP-1 Choose the best Place:

Make sure that a site is away from the house, but close to the tank. The field should be at least 10 feet away from your edible garden and any water, such as a lake, river, or well.

#STEP-2 Get permission from Authorities

Verify if you need a permit to build the septic tank drain field or if you need to have the site inspected prior to starting work.  To dig the field is tough work, but having to remove it and start over again is even worse. Therefore it is better to verify all of the relevant laws and regulations prior to starting this project.

#STEP-3 Make sure soil is best for making septic tank

If the absorption capacity is too low, you will have trouble with back-ups. It is best to find this out before you dig. So always make sure soil is appropriate before making it.

#STEP-4 Then Start Digging

You will need to dig either four 2-foot long trenches or two 50-foot trenches for a 1,000-gallon septic tank. Each trench should be 3-4 feet wide and equally deep.

Make your trenches so that they tilt downward slightly, but no more than a 1/4-inch incline for every 8 feet you have. You do not want the wastewater to pool at the bottom and rise up.

#STEP-5 Place Gravel

Once the trenches are dug up then put at least 1-1 1/2 inches of gravel along the bottom of each trench. This allows for drainage under the pipe.

#STEP-6 Add the Pipe

Place the pipe from the septic tank all along each trench. Use the clamps to hold the pipe in place at the septic tank drain so that it does not shift and misalign.

#STEP-7 Add More Gravel

After placing the pipes in a correct place then fill the trench with another 1-3 inches of gravel and let the gravel work its way down around the pipe.

#STEP-8 Add the Cloth

When you have laid the pipe and gravel, wrap cloth over pipes. The cloth can be any type that breathes. Its function is to keep dirt and sand from blocking the drainage from the gravel.

#STEP-9 – More Dirt

Now your next step is to fill the rest of the trench in with dirt so that your field is level with the ground around it. You will need to wait two weeks for the ground to settle. When the ground settles, you will probably need to add more dirt to level your field.

Now your septic tank drain is ready to use. If you cannot make septic tank by yourselves then give a call to a Plumber Toronto at  416-383-7378.

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