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Now personalize your bathroom and make it attractive

The bathroom is a somewhat like heaven for many of us: a place to relax and rejuvenate. It is where we start and end our day, and should be both utilitarian and comfortable.  If the bathroom is dirty and un-managed, we do not want to go to the bathroom.  So, make your bathroom attractive to have peace of mind. Even if you cannot make extensive changes to space, there are still a number of easy, inexpensive, and 100% reversible ways to upgrade and personalize the bathroom in your house or office.

If you are tired and sick of going to the unmanaged and dirty bathroom.

This time has gone now. It’s time to cheer up

ASK WHY? Because

Now we Toronto Plumber from Everest Drain and Plumbing are giving you handful tips to customize/personalize your bathroom and make your bathroom more attractive.

Everest Plumbing Mar 23, 2017
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Change the shower head:

It sounds so simple – and it is! A new showerhead can totally change the look and more importantly, the feel of your shower with very little cost or effort. If you choose a new low flow showerhead, you can also save yourself some money and water without sacrificing a great experience.

Decorate bathroom wall with Color and Pattern:

Accessories always help when you want to add color without painting or making any huge changes. Try coordinating textiles (bathmats, shower curtains, towels) to create a unified color scheme. Then you can have a colorful and patterned bathroom.

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Put new Curtain and New fancy rods;

IF you have doors and windows on your bathroom, use stylish and fancy curtains to make your bathroom attractive and stylish. Whether you want cute kittens, psychedelic patterns, or an elegant linen, there are plenty of accompanying shower rods to keep your look consistent.

Install a new toilet seat.

Yeah! It is hard to believe that plenty of toilets seat is available in the market. Whatever your bathroom color scheme or theme, we’re sure you can find a seat to match. There are different colors of toilet seats, plus Fun Ocean themed butterfly and even music-themed toilet seats. In addition to adding some style to your bathroom, you also get the assurance that your new (to you) toilet has a guaranteed-clean seat!

Placement of equipment’ in the right place;

Always place the bathroom equipment in the right place. Place a small vanity mirror on the counter, install some shelves above the toilet for extra storage, or hang some of your favorite artwork. Change out the towel bars at the perfect place. Such well-managed bathroom looks pretty well. So always try to maintain your bathroom well managed.

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