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Tips to replace flapper of your toilet

Here’s tips to replace flapper of our toilet. Running toilet and broken toilet handle is always the source of embarrassment in front of our guest. A problem in the toilet must be solved immediately. Sometimes we don’t need any plumbers to assist but most of the time we need a plumber. When you have to replace the flapper of the toilet you can do it by yourself but for other purposes, you need to hire a plumber.

Everest Plumbing Jan 14, 2019
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Some useful tips to replace the flapper of toilet

#1 Diagnosing a Flapper Problem

Open the lid of the tank and check flapper is working properly or not. If it is working properly then do nothing otherwise get a new flapper.

#2 Turn Off the Water

Turn off the water supply to the toilet which lies below the water tank. Check it is properly off or not.

#3 Remove the Old Flapper

Empty the tank and then take out the flapper gently. Don’t pick out the unnecessary items from the tank. Take out the chain of flapper also.

#4 Prepare the New Flapper

Prepare the new flapper and connect the chain with the flapper as the old one.

#5 Install the New Flapper

Now finally install the new flapper in the tank and when it completely installed to check open the water supply of the tank. If it works properly no need to worry otherwise if not then it is better to call a plumber rather than doing again by yourself.

Need a plumber whom to call?

Any kind of plumbing problem remember Everest Drain and Plumbing for your help. Need some Flapper change and issues with the toilet no problem, recently Everest Plumber replaced flapper and maintain broken toilet handle at Yorkdale Shopping Centre.

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