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Ways to prevent Plumbing seals from cracking

A pipe is a pipe – and if your water pipes are sound, you will never have a leak or bursting. Right? Actually, your plumbing is more complex than a bunch of connected pipes. At each connection between fixtures and pipes, there are rubber gaskets. And for a seal to be watertight, those gaskets must be in good condition.

However, rubber gaskets and hoses deteriorate over time. And if they are allowed to dry out, they will crack sooner than later. Fortunately, there are simple ways to prevent plumbing seals from cracking.

Everest Plumbing Apr 20, 2017
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Let’s SEE ways to prevent plumbing seals from cracking

 #1. Watch over Dried/Cracked Rubber Seals

Well, we know that Rubber seals and hoses, unfortunately, do not last forever which Eventually will need replacing, even more so if you are not keeping up with regular maintenance. Leaving your seals and hoses unattended to overtime will eventually cause leaks and cracks to occur, forcing you to call in an emergency repair.

In order to maintain the lifespan and quality of your gaskets and hoses, it is important that you not expose your plumbing to extended periods without running water. This can cause the pipes to dry out even faster.

#2. Do not let your plumbing seals running out of water

If seals do not get chance of water flow on a regular basis, they will eventually begin to dry out before they eventually crack. Therefore, it is important to ensure that if you are going to be away for more than a couple of weeks you do not completely turn off your water system. Instead, have someone occasionally stop by your home to run the water so that the seals will not dry out. This minimizes the risk of your pipes becoming dried out and your seals being cracked.

#3. Check for Cracked Plumbing Seals if you are Buying a Home

When you are going to purchase an older home, especially one that has been vacant for a while, the owner has probably had the water shut off for some time. If the pipes are dry as a bone, the rubber seals have probably lost the integrity of working.

So that you can spot any leaks – and require the seller to replace the seals prior to sale – make sure the water is flowing at a steady rate, back on for a few days before your inspection. That should give any cracked-gasket plumbing leaks time to show themselves.

You are lucky that Everest Drain and Plumbing are always ready to assist you in your plumbing and all drain needs. Call us and find us what we can do and how we work to win your heart.

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