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IDEAS to avoid Clogged Drains and additional tips!

Clogged drains are a nightmare to house owners. Clogged drains happen at the most inopportune times and are expensive, time-consuming, and a general headache to deal with. In another hand, the smell that comes from a backed up system that can potentially be harmful to your family’s health. When a drain is clogged, there is often little choice but to use harmful chemicals or call a professional plumber Toronto. However, a homeowner can expect to pay close to $100 just to have a plumber walk through the front clogged drains.

As “prevention is better than the cure” You can save your health and wealth if you follow below tips to avoid clogged drains.

Everest Plumbing Apr 10, 2017
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Tips to avoid clogged drains

  1. If you do not have a garbage disposal, avoid letting food scraps go down the drain. Use a drain strainer in your kitchen sink to help keep the food out.
  2. Save cooking grease in an old coffee can or cardboard milk container. Then, dispose of it in the trash.
  3. Throw coffee grounds away in the garbage or add them to your mulch pile.
  4. Consider installing strainers in kitchen and bathroom drains. Strainers will help keep out hair, food, and even objects from entering your pipes. All you would need to do is empty the trainer periodically so it can continue to do its job.
  5. Do not ever let cooking grease or fats down the drain. Instead, place them in a coffee can or a milk container and then dispose of the grease in the trash.  The reason for this is simple: grease may be liquid when it goes down the drain, it will soon harden and then clogs your drain.
  6. Try to remove the hairs and other things after each bath. When the hairs more accumulated in the drain pipes it can cause the pipes clogged.
  7. If you have hot water, turn it on for a few minutes or sometimes you can pour hot water in the drain pipes. As the hot water, melts the grease and other fatty substance and helps to avoid future clogging.
  8. Whenever you feel that your pipe is clogged, immediately call to Plumber Toronto for unclogging.

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