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Reduce Stress on Pipes to Prevent Leaks

Reduce Stress on Pipes to Prevent Leaks with us. The number of leaks in the pipes may vary with the age of the pipe and the water pressure on it. So, we must be very careful about the age of the pipe and various thing that makes the pipes leak. Leaks are costlier than the maintenance. Therefore, in order to prevent leaks from arising frequently, you must give proper maintenance to the plumbing pipes.

We, the best Plumber Toronto from Everest Plumber have the vast knowledge what factors are affecting the pipe leaks.

We focus on ” Reduce Stress on Pipes to Prevent Leaks” so that leaks are less. Use the following points to prevents leaks.

Everest Plumbing Sep 03, 2017
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#Reduce Stress on Pipes to Prevent Leaks

  1. Lower the Water Pressure

The first and foremost thing that we must consider is that is lowering water pressure to prevent the pipe leaks. High water pressure is required for the home living because you will never have to experience ineffective water-using appliances or be stuck in a lousy shower.  You may not aware that this high pressure can seriously affect the piping, joints, faucets, and valves.

Things to do lower water pressure:

  • Measure your water pressure by calling your local plumber
  • purchase a hose bib gauge to measure water pressure
  • Maintain water pressure between 40 and 85 psi.
  • If higher than 85 psi then lover by using a pressure regulator.

2. Make the hard Water softer

If you are living in the area with hard water, it could be the main cause of the leaking pipes. As hard water contains Magnesium and calcium sediment which can build up within pipes. When these build up for the longer period, this restricts the flow of water and even corroding the joints and fittings that are keeping the pipes together.

Things to check the hard water:

  • Check the shower heads, faucets, and any surfaces near plumbing fixtures for white colored buildup and stains and this is a telltale sign of hard water.
  • Everybody having well water system, must have the water tested or look at the last annual report.

A permanent solution for hard water is to install a water softener.

Are you having a headache with plumbing leaks, then use the above points to minimize plumbing leaks. Whenever you need a plumber to fix a leak or install a water softener, contact Everest Drain and Plumbing.

Call Toronto Plumber for necessary aid for your plumbing leaks 416-383-7378.

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