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How to Prevent Pipes from Freezing and Thaw Frozen Pipes

Winter’s here, and frozen pipes can be a homeowner’s nightmare. But fear not! Everest Plumbing has your back in protecting your pipes from freezing. We’ll share expert tips to prevent frozen pipes and introduce cutting-edge tech to protect pipes from future freezing. Say goodbye to frozen pipes and hello to a worry-free, thawed home with Everest Plumbing.

Everest Plumbing May 17, 2016
Prevent Pipes from Freezing
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The best way to protect your pipes from freezing is to understand what part the city owns and what part you are responsible for. The City owns the segment from the street’s water main to the property line, while your ownership starts from the property line and goes into your home.

Understanding these boundaries is the key to preventing frozen pipes. You can take precautions to protect pipes from freezing more efficiently when you have a clear picture of what segment to maintain and repair.


If your faucet produces no water or merely trickles in cold weather, you probably have a frozen pipe and you need to take measures to protect your pipes from freezing now!

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Step 1: Shut off the Water Main
Turn off the main water supply to stop water flow and open the affected faucet to relieve pressure.

Step 2: Identify Frozen Areas
Look for visible ice or slight swelling on the pipes.

Step 3: Apply Heat
Use an electronic heating pad or a hairdryer. Alternatively, wrap towels soaked in hot water around the frozen pipe.
(Caution: Supervise the heating pad to prevent fire hazards.)

Step 4: Avoid Open Flame Devices
Never use a blowtorch, propane, kerosene heaters, or open flames. Space heaters are only safe in clear, non-flammable areas.

Step 5: Thoroughly Thaw
Continue applying heat until water flow returns to normal and check other faucets in your home for additional frozen pipes.

Follow these steps for a safe and efficient thawing process.

Comprehending Your Water Service Pipe

Take charge of your understanding of water service pipes, recognizing the dual ownership shared between you and the City. The segment owned by the City extends from the water main on the street to the property line. In contrast, the portion under your ownership spans from the property line into the home. It’s crucial to distinguish these ownership boundaries for effective communication and responsibility when it comes to maintenance, repairs, and potential issues related to water service pipes.


Drain Water from Pipes:

You can empty pipes that are prone to freezing to prevent frozen pipes. Also, disconnecting and draining outdoor hoses, and closing indoor valves entirely can help protect your pipes from freezing.

  • Insulate Exposed Pipes:

You can wrap exposed pipes with foam insulation to prevent frozen pipes. This protects pipes from freezing and also aids in thawing frozen pipes.

  • Seal Cracks in Walls:

Identify and seal any cracks or damage in walls. This will help prevent frozen pipes by preventing cold air from reaching vulnerable pipes which in turn can protect pipes from freezing.

  • Open Kitchen Cabinets:

You should keep kitchen cabinet doors open to protect pipes from freezing. It facilitates in circulation of warm air around pipes.

  • Close Garage Doors:

Ensure garage doors are closed. This protects water lines from being exposed to cold temperatures thus, preventing frozen pipes.

  • Allow Faucets to Drip:

Let faucets drip cold water on extremely cold days. Allowing movement protects pipes from freezing.

  • Maintain Consistent Thermostat:

Keep the thermostat at a steady temperature day and night. Never allow it to drop below 50 °s Fahrenheit when away to prevent frozen pipes.

  • Seal Doors and Windows:

Properly seal doors and windows. This will help maintain warmth and help prevent frozen pipes.

  • Use Bulbs for Warmth:

Place a 60-watt bulb in areas prone to freezing. This protects pipes from freezing. But be cautious to never leave flammable materials near the bulb.

Implement these measures for comprehensive protection against frozen pipes.


Does water freeze in pipes in Toronto?

Yes, water pipes do freeze in winter in Toronto. Winters in Toronto can be pretty harsh and the temperature can drop down to −15 °C- −40 °C. It is not abnormal to see frozen pipes in Canada. This is why it is necessary to equip yourself with ideas to protect your pipes from being frozen.

Do pipes freeze in winter in Toronto?

Pipes are not frozen all year round, but it is not uncommon during winter in extreme cold for pipes to get frozen. It can get as cold as -5 ° Celsius to 5 ° Celsius during Canadian winter.

Are frozen pipes a big deal?

Yes, frozen pipes can be a great hassle. Water tends to expand when frozen. This water expansion can cause pipes to break, irrespective of whether the pipe is plastic or metal.

Is it safe to leave a frozen pipe?

When water freezes, it can cause the pipes to burst. So, even if it may seem like a good idea to allow the pipes to thaw themselves, it best you tend to it on time.

How to keep your pipes from freezing without heat?

The best way to keep your pipes from freezing without using heat would be to keep the tap open and let the water gently trickle.

How to protect the pipes from freezing?

You can always keep the door closed and try keeping the pipes warm using heaters and other warmers. Leaving the water running and all of the cracks sealed to protect the pipes from freezing.


Winter can be fun and cozy if you take all the right measures to prevent your pips from freezing. Be sure to let the water trickle so your pipes don’t end up frozen. And in the odd chance they do end up freezing, you can always try one of our DIYs to spot and take care of the frozen pipe.

Frozen pipes can become a hassle if you don’t take the right steps timely. Not only will you have a problem with the water supply but, your pipes can burst, and mending it isn’t the best activity you’d rather be doing than enjoying a hot cup of coco in the cold. 

So, need an expert plumber in Toronto to check your water line this winter? Consider Everest Drain & Plumbing, your local GTA plumbing company since 2013. Contact us today at (416) 383-7378 to schedule an appointment.

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